ihire ask a resume writer does white fonting work on resumes

What is the white font trick on resumes, and does it work? iHire’s Certified Master Resume Writer weighs in on this...


Find Your Niche: How to Identify Your Strengths

Building your career around your skills is a path to success at work, but how do you find those strengths? Lori Cole...


Applying for a job you're underqualified for

Not sure if you should apply to a job you're underqualified for? Discover the pros and cons of doing so, and learn...


Man standing on ladder in the sky with binoculars

Save time and find the exact jobs you're looking for by using iHire's extensive job search filters. Start your...


Job Search Planner Hero Image

Don't stress about your job search, let iHire do the planning for you. Download your free copy of iHire’s 2023 Job...


FInd Your Niche: Cracking the Communication Code

Career coach Lori Cole discusses email etiquette and how to turn your communication in the workplace into a strength...


Man facing two career options

Transitioning from a nonprofit career to a for-profit career can bring many questions. Discover what to expect if...


Find Your Niche: Leadership Soft Skills

Leadership comes in many forms, and career coach Lori Cole discusses how to build one of the most valuable soft...


ask a career advisor should you respond to a job rejection email?

Unsure how to respond to a job rejection email? Get expert advice from iHire’s Certified Career Coach on whether you...


All-day interview

Get tips to thrive in an all-day interview or hours-long interview and make it through the process with your sanity.


Coworker covering for another on vacation

Covering for a coworker on vacation can be overwhelming, but these five vacation coverage tips can help you thrive.


Find Your Niche: Resume Tweaks to Overcome Ageism

Workers have spotted ageism in the workplace at its highest level since 2003. Find Your Niche host Lori Cole shares...


How to Spot Red Flags and Avoid a Job From Hell [Premium Webinar]

Avoid a job from hell! Watch this on-demand webinar on job search red flags to look out for in job postings, while...


Two women smiling and shaking hands after negotiation

Not sure how to negotiate salary effectively? Use these sample salary negotiation scripts to craft your own...


Nurse thinking

Making a career change to healthcare can be rewarding, but intimidating. Learn how to get started in some of the...


Older woman looking for a job

Learn how to find part-time jobs after retirement, get hints about where to look for part-time employment, and tips...


ask a resume writer should i submit a cover letter if it's optional

If a cover letter is optional, should you write one anyway? iHire’s Certified Resume Writer shares what to do if a...


Person writing adaptability in a notebook

Adaptability is a highly sought-after skill for employers. Learn how to best showcase your adaptability soft skills...


Leadership skills

Soft skills like leadership are very desirable to employers. Discover how to best showcase your leadership soft...


Find Your Niche: Aligning Your Passion With Your Career

Finding a fulfilling career is a game changer for job seekers looking for more than just a paycheck. Find Your...


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